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LV Metering

LPU customers (Large Power Unit Customers are those supplied by LV feeder and Public transformers) are very important for utility companies because they are few but their consumption is very high, management of these customers are critical for utility companies because big portion of revenue come from them. Normally this kind of customer already has been equipped with smart meter and AMR system but AMR system and smart meter cannot guarantee revenue protection for utility companies and improve cash flow because:

1) Commonly all of these equipment include meter and CT are installed in customer property and access to metering equipment is not feasible for utility company and most of the time smart meter cannot recognize manipulation on wiring and CT.

2) Installed smart meter and AMR system are utilized as post payment (there is always big gap between issuing bill and receiving payment by utility companies).


Fast ROI (return of investment)

Improve cash flow

Cancelation of theft and meter manipulation

Reduce distribution system losses

Increase distribution network manageability and reliability

Reduce outage numbers and duration

Improve billing collection rate

Improve quality of supplied electricity


INHE Smart Power Distribution Industrial Base, Hi-tech Zone, Zhuhai, China, P.C.519000

+86 (0)756-368-9103

+86 (0)756-368-9169


8/F & 9/F, 1A, Software Park, Southern Hi-Tech Zone, Nanshan District, Shenzhen, China, P.C.518054

+86 (0)755-2661-6686

+86 (0)755-2661-6689