It mainly monitors equipment like distribution transformers, low voltage devices and reactive power compensation device etc.
It includes but not limited to rehabilitation of medium and low voltage networks, network supply improvement and collection improvement.
Micro-grid can bring electricity to those that are not connected to main grid, especially people living in remote rural areas.
Ultimate goal of self-healing distribution automation is to achieve zero outage whenever any fault happens.
Smart fault locating solution is one step ahead for DA, and it utilize GPS technology to locate the faulty area.
Total solution for serving MV/HV users is provided and helps Utility solve problems in collection of electricity fee, line loss and overload etc.
INHE Smart Power Distribution Industrial Base, Hi-tech Zone, Zhuhai, China, P.C.519000
+86 (0)756-331-3166
+86 (0)756-368-9169
8/F & 9/F, 1A, Software Park, Southern Hi-Tech Zone, Nanshan District, Shenzhen, China, P.C.518054
+86 (0)755-2661-6686
+86 (0)755-2661-6689